Parents Guide: Choosing the Right Private Tutor for your Child

parents guide: choosing the right private tutor for your childHiring a tutor has many advantages for your child.  However, how do you choose the right kind of tutoring for your child?  What are their specific needs?You could try a SWOT analysis, a technique used to evaluate a business and business partners.  The SWOT analysis will […]

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6 Helpful Strategies to Manage School Refusal

6 helpful strategies to manage school refusalSchool days are the happiest days of your life! An ancient saying or a true to life statement. What do you do if your child flatly refuses to go to school? You try every trick known to man from empathy to anger, but nothing works. Here are some suggestions […]

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How does in-home tutoring help students?

HOW DOES IN-HOME TUTORING HELP STUDENTS?In-home tutoring, and methods of learning for young students, have changed over the years. Parents want to find whatever it takes to boost their child’s education and build the right concepts to prepare their children for school and successful careers in the future.Many parents must be asking this question. How […]

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What type of learner is your child?

what type of learner is your child?Did you know that children have different learning styles or strengths? Three main types of learning have been identified and called learning styles. They are categorised as visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. Learning through seeing, hearing or touching.  Some children have a balance of all three, but some may favour […]

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10 Bad Habits to Avoid this School Year

10 Bad Habits to Avoid this School Year A bad habit is a behaviour that can erode at the very fibre of your study ethics and affect your academic career.  It does not matter if you are still in the primary school or if you have moved up the ranks into the senior school, bad […]

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