Time Management Introduction for Students [Infographic]

Time Management Introduction for Students [Infographic]Whether we assign a dollar value to it or not, time is valuable to each of us. There are lots of different ways to tackle the issue of time management. Sleep less, create lists, prioritise. But if you don’t fully understand why it’s important for you to better manage your […]

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10 Exam Preparation Study Tips For Students

10 Exam Preparation Study Tips For StudentsWhen preparing for exams the majority of students leave their preparation far too late. By using the Note Taking and Study Habits strategies you will be in a very strong position before you even start.  The key is to reinforce your understanding after you have learned the information and […]

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5 Steps to Successful Assignment Preparation

5 Steps To Successful Assignment PreparationAssignment preparation is one of the most mismanaged aspects of the majority of students study. Some students find assignment or report writing daunting. However, they don’t have to be, but if you start down the wrong path, it can be disastrous.Success with assignments begins with knowing what the task is […]

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Build Effective Study Habits

Build Effective Study HabitsDid you ever stop to wonder what sets apart the really successful students from the average ones? Why do some students who appear to study all the time just get by, while others who don’t appear to put in as much effort to do well.The truth is that success in school is […]

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