Tips to Help Your Child Improve Their Planning and Organisational Study Skills [FREE Worksheets]

Tips to Help Your Child Improve Their Planning and Organisational Study Skills

[ FREE Worksheets]

Get Ready!

Improving your children's focus is as much about giving themselves the best opportunity to improve using the right environment and constraints, as it is about actually having the will power to focus.

When there are so many other things going on during studies, it can be challenging to keep pace. There will be times when they will lack the motivation to study – this is when their solid study plan will be most valuable.

The first step to effective studying is to get organised.

When they're organised and aware of what they need to do, they're more likely to be cool, calm and collected when challenges arise.

Where to Study: Setting Up A Study Area

Find a suitable place to study. You may consider for some time in a school facility like a library that is conducive to learning and with quiet ambience. However, most students prefer to study mainly at home. In any way, neat and organised study space is essential and will help them to learn best.

Guide questions in setting up a right study area. You should be able to answer YES to all these questions

  1.  Is the study space quiet, clean, and free from all distractions?
  2.  Is it a place that your child can concentrate for extended periods?
  3.  Is the chair comfortable that your child can sit for a long time? 
  4.  Is their desk free from mess and clutter? 
  5.  Is the area well-lit which make them able to see the study materials? 
  6.  Does the study space contain all the study materials they need? 
  7.  Does the study place have a comfortable temperature?

Some can only concentrate in a tidy and organised environment while others can work in a more cluttered one. Think about and observe what works perfectly for your child.

There are several online tools or extensions we recommend to help stay focused when studying on or around computers, including:

StayFocusd – Google Chrome web store

Freedom -

These can reduce online distractions, disable access to the internet and certain websites.

What to Prepare: Gathering the Learning Resource

Gather all the resources that your child may need while studying. These are the tools which will help them to learn best.

List of printed and digital learning resources that they may need:

  • Textbooks
  • Calculator
  • Lecture Notes
  • Past exams
  • Activity books
  • Reference books

Prepare also the necessary supplies like papers, pens, highlighters, and markers.

Tutor2you has a range of resources that guarantee to help your child boost  their studying

Weekly Planners


Study Guides

Summative Assessment

Guide questions to check whether your child have prepared the learning resources. You should be able to answer YES to all these questions

  1.  Did they prepare only the materials they would need for the whole day?
  2. Did they open only the websites that can be a help to them for studying?
  3. Did they prepare the supplies they can use in studying?

When to Study: Finding the best time

Find the time that they feel comfortable. Some students prefer to study in the morning when the brain is refreshed and ready for the information, and natural light keeps them alert, while others prefer in the night-time when it’s quiet and has fewer distractions and interruptions.

Everyone's different, help them develop a study routine that works for them. If they study better in the morning, start early before taking a break at lunchtime. Or, if they're more productive at night-time, take a larger break earlier on so you're ready to settle down come evening.

Here is the adapted approach to keep your child's materials compiled using an accordion folder and binder.

  1. The first step in compiling is to get an accordion folder (expandable folders with lots of pockets) specifically for use during school, with two sections for each subject.
  2. Name the first by the subject name and the second with homework.

At home, it is recommended to have a ring binder 1 for each learning area. Use dividers or plastic sleeves to split up your ring binders into relevant sections for each learning area for example

  • Notes
  • Exams
  • Assignments
  • Worksheets

At least once a week, spend 5-10 minutes helping your child in filing all their notes from their daily folder and subject folders. If their daily folder is getting full, they may need to file a couple of times a week.


As a parent, encourage your child to keep track of their schedule. One of the essential skills that your child can learn at primary is knowing how to organise their study. There are several ways you can do to monitor progress.

  • Help your child to create a study space at home and make sure that they have all the resources they need.
  • Keep on track with your child's progress by checking the filing folder and weekly planner every night.
  • Find the time of the day that works best for your child. Whatever time that is, make sure your child will get the right amount of sleep every night. Lack of sleep can cause kids to not able to focus on the study sessions

Developing excellent organisational skills is a crucial ingredient for success in school and life. Tutor2you will help the students to keep things in order – ensuring effective study routines and systems in place to help each child to get ready for learning.

Let us help your child develop their planning and organisational skills

If you would like help  from one of our trained and certified tutors why not click here and enquire today.


Get Your Free Copy of "The Ultimate Weekly Guide To Successful Students"

A 7 Chapter Guide packed full of actionable strategies that the 'A' students use.

Completed with free worksheets, weekly planner & assessments.

  • Get more organised with effective study habits
  • Stay more focused & improve memory
  • Take more responsibility