8 Quick Exam Tips To Help Your Child Prepare For Their Exams
Whilst we’re still a few weeks away when the exam day is just around the corner, it becomes more difficult to deal with stress and anxiety and school is full of these moments. We came up with 8 quick easy exam tips to help your child cope with these exam problems.
So here are some essential exam tips to consider:
- Studying the material. Knowledge is not gained by accident and overnight; make sure your child dedicates enough time for preparation. It is the number one factor to feel confident before any exam.
- Never starting late. Studying a bunch of topics at the last minute will cause panic. It’s crucial that students plan effectively.
- Handling the stress. When children feel nervous, they usually get upset
easily. Never blame your child for being irritable during exam periods; be a helpful friend in order to eliminate the stress.
- Adding “Q&A” into daily activities. If you are having dinner, walking in the park, or simply having a rest, you can make use of the spare time and the informal environment; ask your child some questions which relate to the upcoming exam and check how well the material is perceived. Make sure you start out easy, asking questions they don’t know the answer to may just lead to them shutting you out.
- Saying encouraging words. Don’t let your child feel powerless, give them the encouragement they need to keep working until they ‘get it’ or if not, suggest they get some help.
- Finding time to have a rest. Make sure your child studies all the topics a bit earlier and relaxes before the exam day. It will cultivate enormous self-confidence and will enable to “digest” the newly gained information more efficiently.
- Having a nutritious breakfast. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and some sweets will be the right fit to gain vital energy for the day of the exam.
- Encouraging your child to ask questions. Before the exam starts, it’s important to clarify the instructions. Help your child to overcome the shyness and fear he or she may feel in this situation.
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If your child is struggling, Tutor2you has private in-home tutors available across Brisbane, Melbourne and the Gold Coast specialising in Maths, English, Study Skills and more.
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