5 Steps To Successful Assignment Preparation

Assignment preparation is one of the most mismanaged aspects of the majority of students study. Some students find assignment or report writing daunting. However, they don’t have to be, but if you start down the wrong path, it can be disastrous.

Success with assignments begins with knowing what the task is asking you to do.

Step 1: Review the task sheet.

Step 2: Highlight the key elements (topic, length etc).

Step 3: Review the criteria sheet, remember that it is here that the teacher tells you how you will be marked, and against what criteria. Whilst reports and assessments are generally subjectively marked this is as close as you get to the teacher actually telling you exactly what they want to see. 

Step 4: Once you have reviewed the task and criteria sheet, speak to someone else about it, maybe a friend, parent or tutor. It is important to make sure that you haven’t missed anything and the second set of eyes doesn’t hurt.

Step 5: Once reviewed if you are unsure about anything make sure to schedule some time to ask your teacher.


If getting it right from the start was the most important aspect of assignments, planning is a close second. It is important to review your assignment with respect to your deadline and how much time you have available.

Determine any intermediate milestones including drafts that will be required (in some cases teachers request a draft be submitted by a specific date).

Whilst different assignments may have slightly different time frames we generally prefer to use a 3-3-2-1 proportion (meaning 30%, 30%, 20%, 10% or a 3-6-8-9 timing. Meaning if you have 10 weeks to do an assignment we would suggest the following milestones

 Final proofread & edit

Complete 2nd draft

Complete rough draft

Complete research

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5 steps to successful assignment preparation - educational infographic | tutor2you

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