Here’s What Parents Really Need to Look For in a Tutor!

Here's What Parents Really Need to Look for in a Tutor

Locating the right tutor can be one of the most important things you do to help your child learn. Plenty of factors come into play when it comes to establishing a learning relationship that's effective. That said, it can be easy to overlook the importance of finding an approach that works and feeling like the right tutor understands your child’s needs.

Parents that are aiming to find a tutor for their kids need to be on the lookout for the following in a tutor:

A Tutor With Patience

A tutor can’t expect the sessions to follow a schedule. Instead, it’s important to pursue a path of patience. It is easy to get ahead of yourself and think that each session should be like your last session, which was lovely and colourful with painted images and scented smells everywhere. But, that’s not how it works.

It's vital to stay in the moment at all times because the present has to be made the most of always. It includes recognising students' needs with every single session. Students will come in bored, tired and even under stimulated. The tutor needs to have patience and have the proper response every single time.

A Tutor With Positivity

Most people remember their favourite teachers as positive and encouraging, making them feel happy and good about themselves, their day and what they were learning. If you think back to your favourite teacher, chances are good that they were this type of teacher.

Even the smallest shifts in behaviour and mood can be detected by children easily. A tutor worth their salt will be able to bring their positivity whether rain or shine. This means it shouldn't matter whether a student gets things right or wrong.

Positive teachers support and trust their students even when they make mistakes. When students are confident and feel like they know more than they do, they are comfortable learning, and are more likely to take risks. Trust is often built slowly but quite well too.

A Tutor With Subject Knowledge

Subject knowledge may very well be a given when it comes to finding a tutor. It's worth taking note of nonetheless. The starting point of subject knowledge is, of course, being good at the subject at hand.

Keep in mind that it is likely that they know a lot about their subject. So ask them a few questions to get an idea of what they want to cover. You should also tell them what you know about your child’s level and explain to them if he or she gets easily frustrated.

A Tutor With Training

When a tutor has received training, it's likely they also received professional development support. That means they will have more confidence and will be able to push forward with confidence.


Getting a tutor for a child, regardless of circumstances, is a major undertaking. It's important to do some research and really get to know who will be teaching the child and how that will go. Parents should look out for a tutor with training, subject knowledge and positivity.

Need to find a tutor? Check out Tutor2you today! We aim to connect people looking for tutoring jobs in the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Adelaide and Melbourne.


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