10 Tips to Make Homework a Stress-free Experience for Parents

10 Tips to Make Homework a Stress-free Experience for Parents

Homework is amongst the top stress factors in the relationships between parents, pupils, and the school.  Children dislike homework, and parents feel their pain.  How can families meet the homework monster head-on and win?

Here are 10 helpful strategies to try.

1. Time Management

Having a schedule and managing time with your child is an excellent start to finding homework less stressful.  Time management is a good life skill.  When you have a plan and stick to the time agreed, the homework schedule immediately becomes less stressful.

2. Designated area

Organisational skills are helpful tools for success.  Make sure your child has a designated homework area set aside, and it is kitted out with all the necessary stationery.  A quiet corner where the tasks get done creates a positive attitude towards homework.

3. Take well-earned breaks

A vital part of your time management is a well-earned break. The time spent on homework will depend on your child's age, but factor in a short break. It will help with concentration and keeping a positive attitude towards the task.

4. Remember, there is no such thing as a silly question

Encourage your child to ask questions before starting with the homework.  Use homework as an opportunity to formulate questions yourself.  There may be an area of tuition where some extra coaching could help.  These areas often become apparent through valuable questioning. Organise a homework group with other parents and refer to other parents with items you may not understand.  Feeling that you are part of a group with a common interest is very supportive for you and your child.

5. Try not to procrastinate

Procrastination is the thief of time, they say.  Time wasting is one of the most excellent tactics of children concerning something they do not want to do.  Homework comes close to the top of that list.  Giving in to delay tactics begins to make homework a stress factor.  Help your child see that wasting time on other things makes the homework take longer.

6. Eat healthy food

Having something healthy to eat relieves the stress of feeling hungry during your homework session. Factor a snack and something to drink as part of one of your planned breaks. Then the body and the mind are refreshed.

7. Guide and monitor, but do not correct

Stress in the homework situation may arise due to a lack of understanding of the instructions. Help your child to break down the requirements into manageable bite-size chunks. Planning step-by-step help with following instructions and not getting overwhelmed with the tasks. Be there to guide, but do not be tempted to do the work. Making mistakes helps the teacher see where your child may need some extra help.

8. Keep lines of communication open with the school

Good lines of communication help lower the stress factor attached to homework. Instead of the homework tasks becoming a wall between teacher-pupil and parent, it becomes a positive channel of helpfulness and growth.

9. Recognise the benefits of homework with your child

Children may begin to benefit from homework if you participate and share the homework time. For example, you could do some home admin or send emails and at the same time be right there to answer any questions your child may have.  Your child sees you physically participating in this homework time, which may help them understand that working at home is what people do.  Parents add value to any situation by setting a good example.

10. Get help - Call on a tutor if the problem is a gap in your child’s learning

You can avoid tears and drama from the homework situation if you call on a little extra help.  Today's parents have tight schedules, and both parents often work.  There is no harm in seeking some extra homework help by contacting a tutor.  The tutor may have a personal touch and insight into the problem area.  Helping a child over a particular hurdle or giving some extra tuition in maths or reading would make a difference.  Discuss this with your child and explain how the tutor will help fill in the gap and have your child back on track again.

This positive quote from Robert  Kiyosaki, founder of the Rich Dad Company and author of several books, had an excellent comment about passing homework.  He said:

“Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.”

If the problem is a gap in your child’s learning, we can help

Book for a free consultation with our trained & certified tutors today.


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