6 Tips for Spending Quality Time with your Child during the Term’s Holiday

6 Tips for Spending Quality Time with your Child during the Term's Holiday1

Quality is a concept we all aspire to have in our lives. The idea of quality time with children is no exception. During the holidays there is more time available to spend with your children. So how do you maximise quality time and make the holidays worthwhile for the whole family?

Here are some tips to help you with your planning. They are guidelines for creating fun events in different places you may frequent during the holidays. Finding the right places for quality time can be right in your home environment. There is no need to go rushing off all over the place looking for somewhere to have fun together. These areas for spending quality time together could be right there in your home.

Create areas where children can play imaginative games with toys, books, and construction apparatus. Include puppets, dress-up clothes, and role-play. Join in with your Child's ideas. Tea parties, baking together or having picnics in the garden nurture quality time. Give this time your full attention by not answering your phone or being distracted in other ways. If you are otherwise occupied, you will dilute the quality of the time you spend together.

Take a look at 6 ideas around your home and neighbourhood.

They are suggestions on how to spend quality time together.

1. At home: Provide art and craft materials

Putting out paint, crayons, paper, play dough, and other art and craft materials is another great way to provide quality time activities. You can join in, too and have an art and craft morning planned. If you are short of ideas, wonderful programmes are available on the internet. You do not need to be limited by paper and paint for creativity. Making and decorating cupcakes and cookies is an ideal way to learn about baking and be creative at the same time.

2. Look outdoors: Use the great outdoors to stimulate creativity and spend quality time together

Nature is the source of many creative scenarios—picnics in the park, treasure hunts outside, nature walks, and family outings during the holidays. Use the outdoors to build a fort or create a campsite. Let older children have a camp out in their garden.

3. Music and movement engage the whole family in quality time

Learn silly songs and rhymes with actions. They will stimulate musical appreciation and enjoyment of rhyme and rhythm. Play musical games because they are suitable for encouraging play-acting and drama. Dance and sing, and let your children enjoy the freedom of expression through music. Try combining your craft ideas and music to make your instruments. Some stones in a plastic bottle can make a great shaker, and an old box soon becomes a drum. Before you know it, you will have your band!

4. Reading books is always a winner for quality time

Books and storytelling are great ways to spend quality time with your children. Storytime can lead to acting out the stories and making up little plays. Let your children tell a story with a puppet if you have access to some puppets.

5. Limit screen time

Less screen time means more interaction with one another and quality time opportunities. Unfortunately, it is easy to fall into the trap of using the television or electronic devices as babysitters. Children know when you are monitoring their screen time, but they will appreciate you are spending quality time with them instead.

6. Play board or card games

Family games are one of the best ways to spend quality time with your Child. Games provide the right platform to enjoy an activity with counting skills, gamesmanship, following rules, and language development. Games can be bought to fit the age group that suits your family dynamics. Set up a board or card game and have instant quality time together.

Quality time may be messy, noisy, and busy, but that makes it quality. The secret of success lies in the simple physical, mental, emotional, and psychological stimulation. You will be surprised at how much the children enjoy these opportunities to spend time with you.

Make quality time easier using plastic crates or cardboard boxes to store the activities. Your box is prepared with all the basics when you are ready for a craft activity. Teach your children to tidy up as part of the activity.

Quality time can double up with organisational skills, responsibility, cooperation, and teamwork. In addition, during the quality time, you will get to know your Child better and have fun yourself.

Once you are engaged in these quality time activities, you will be surprised by how quickly time flies. You will have provided entertainment and nourished your Child's creative spirit in one nurturing quality time session.


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