Greetings ! My name is Taina and I am about to commence a Masters degree in Counselling. I hold a Bachelor of Music and have been providing music tuition to students of all ages. This is my first foray into tutoring other subjects but I have a passion for education and helping students to reach their full potential. I aim to set realistic and achievable goals with my students and have a one step at a time approach. "The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the step at a time"
Trained & Certified Tutor
Working With Children Check
English Tutor Expert
Before joining Tutor2you, every tutor goes through a rigorous application, to ensure we only find the right people. The process includes:
We believe in providing a scientific approach such that each and every tutor provides consistently good quality teaching that's right for each student. We achieve this by:
We’re Professional
We take pride in our reliability, independence, excellent communication and have respect for not only others but ourselves. For many, these are mantras but for us, they come naturally.
We Inspire
We're confident in our abilities, as we've 'been there and done that'. We acknowledge that students look up to us and as such respect the opportunity we have to make a positive and lasting impact on our student's lives.
We Empathise
Deep down we recognise that we're in the business of helping people. We recognise and respect the challenges that not only our students but their parents face.