How to Keep On Top Of School Notes
Parents often expect a steady flow of notes and information to keep coming in at various times throughout the school year.
For the most part, all this paperwork is aimed at communicating with parents, there will also be times when paperwork will consist mostly of completed projects, assigned homework, important dates and events on the school calendar and perhaps even the school newsletter.
Dealing with all this paperwork requires a plan so that all the important notes and forms are filed properly before they start to take up unwanted space across the kitchen, in the living room and before you know it will spread through the entire house. Paper also has the knack of disappearing when you most need it (think misplaced permission slips).
Filing system:
You can choose to put in a filing system that will work best for them. It can be as simple or as extravagant as you want; papers can be organised in simple binders, folders, cubbies, racks, pocket hangers or anything else that works for your home.
Daily inspection:
Make it a habit to go through your child’s bag everyday so that you are kept informed about all their everyday activity. Notes that need attention include homework sheets and even on days when no homework is assigned, looking through their bag will make sure that it is cleaned out regularly.
Update the school calendar:
As important dates come up like assignment reminders, library due dates and school closures etc. Keep a close tab on everything, by marking the relevant date on your calendar. Be sure to place the calendar as a convenient visual reminder in a spot that is easy for everyone to see.
Record all contacts:
Other than the regular influx of work reminders, assignment deadlines, and the like, school notes will also provide parents with contact information for the staff. This will include everyone from your child’s teachers and the school principal. This information should always be stored in multiple places such as the address book, in your cell phone and even as a note on the fridge so that it is available in emergencies no matter where you are.
Return as soon as possible:
For forms and slips that need to go back to school, do not delay filling them out. Things like field trip permission slips, school menus, report cards and others that need to be back in school before a specified date should be filled out instantly and put right back in the bag. This saves you having to remember to get them submitted weeks down the track.
Get one-on-one support
If your child could use help with a specific subject or you would like one of our certified tutors to work through to ensure a productive and successful school term, call and speak to one of our consultants today on 1300 4200 79 or click here and fill in the form and your regional manager will be in touch.