How does In-home Tutoring Help Students?
In-home tutoring, and methods of learning for young students, have changed over the years. Parents want to find whatever it takes to boost their child’s education and build the right concepts to prepare their children for school and successful careers in the future.
Many parents must be asking this question. How does in-home tutoring help students? Follow the reasoning laid out in this article and make a judgement call.
Mahatma Gandhi said:
“There is no school to equal a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent.’’
In today's educational climate, it is probably safe to add and, no help like a personal tutor.
There are many valid reasons for hiring a personal tutor and getting that individual help at home. Education has become more comprehensive and the level of knowledge required is greater than before.
Here are some points to consider to validate getting a tutor at home
One-on-one attention
Getting someone who understands your child's personality type, and how your child learns, will bring about better results.
Boosting attention and self-confidence
These two attributes of learning help every student to gain better results and a tutor at home will be skilled at encouraging the student to build confidence skills.
Learning is more directed at the individual and the pace of their learning skills
The home tutor will gear their lessons to the learning style of the pupil. A prior assessment and understanding of the pupils learning methods will ascertain how the pupil learns best. Your child may be a visual learner, an auditory learner or a practical ‘I do and understand’ type of learner.
An atmosphere conducive to asking questions
Through a one-on-one home tutor, a child will feel more comfortable to ask questions in the security of their home.
Addressing specific learning difficulties
The home tutor can help to activate coping mechanisms for specific learning difficulties. Where there are gaps in understanding, the tutor can fill those gaps.
Making tuition personal and using the secure environment of the home for the tutoring takes the pupil to a different level of learning. One of the greatest advantages of this environment is the personal tutor can teach skills and ensure the pupil understands basic concepts.
This style of learning is not about gathering huge amounts of facts and figures. The home tutor uses the time with the pupil constructively to teach the understanding of basic concepts and learning skills to apply to different learning situations.
The home tutor can fill the gaps in learning that may be holding the pupil back from realising their potential. The home tutor is there to enable the pupil to go back a few steps in a process that the class teacher may not be able to focus on. In the classroom, the pupil becomes embarrassed that they do not understand a process. When they move on to the next step the processes become more difficult to work through. This pupil will benefit enormously from some one on one home tutoring just to be able to go back and learn the step they missed.
Parents may find peace of mind knowing that their child is getting the right tuition to set their child up for better results. Some parents have very tight schedules and a person who is knowledgeable and skilled at home tuition would give parents peace of mind knowing they are giving their child the academic support they need.
Consistent feedback from the tutor helps the parent and the child know there is progress being made. Positive progress leads naturally to further progress as confidence grows and the home tutor can continue to support the child who may be struggling.
These better results may not always be measured in percentages on test scores, but by an improved attitude to school and learning.
This is the role of the tutor. Home tutoring should get better results through the understanding of skills and concepts.
Albert Einstein said,
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.”
In-home tutoring allows time for exactly this kind of learning. The tutor can encourage thinking skills and problem solving while working on a program specifically for an individual child. The results should be better because the pupil is learning how to cope with different situations and transferring coping skills to other school subjects and achieving better results.