Debunking The 7 Most Common Myths About Tutoring
Tutoring is a style of education that has been around for centuries. It used to be an elitist form of education, but in today's world, tutoring is more readily available and offered at all levels of education. Knowing what tutoring offers helps debunk the myths that may affect parents' opinions of this form of education.
Myth No 1.
Tutoring is a way to get homework done after school
Tutors are a qualified support system and offer students assistance in basic school subjects. The time spent with a tutor is a systematic approach to assisting students in their areas of weakness. It is not a place children go to do their homework.
Myth No 2.
Having a tutor is just a crutch and makes students dependent on their tutor
The purpose of a tutor is to give students the tools they need to understand the basics of their schoolwork and acquire the necessary skills to understand basic concepts. As a result, the student gains confidence in their ability to cope at school and succeed in their current school system.
Myth No 3.
Spending time and money on tutoring is a waste
It is worth searching for a good quality tutor. Look for a reputable tutor organisation or find a personally recommended person through your child's school or a support group. When you have the right tutor, it is never a waste of time or money. The tutor may be the little boost your child needs to overcome a hurdle in their tuition. The right tutor will connect with your child and make all the difference.
Myth No 4.
A once-a-week, quick-fix attitude using a tutor will sort out a child's problems
Helping children resolve gaps in their learning that may have accumulated over the last few years will not be sorted through a 'quick fix' mentality. It is advisable to go to the tutoring agency and ask for an assessment of your child. The review will point out the gaps and show you, the parent, the best approach. The agency may recommend a one-on-one programme or a group session with other pupils struggling with the same problems. The right tutor should start to see results within three months of starting the programme, but consistent commitment is the key.
Myth No 5.
The tutoring agency will do everything
The best results are gained from teamwork. Parents who commit to the programme and are supportive will see the benefits of using a tutor. The best results are seen when parents and children work hand in hand with the tutor. Getting the school on board with interaction and feedback after tutoring is another part of the system supporting the tutor-student relationship.
Myth No 6.
Tutoring is just a way of 'spoon-feeding' your child
A well-rounded, qualified tutor should not spoon-feed your child. The idea behind a tutor is not to feed children with facts and information. The tutor is there to guide and encourage while teaching basic skills. Knowing these basic skills gives children the confidence to solve their problems. A tutor can bring out the best in a child who may be struggling in a tiny area of the curriculum. It is a way of opening doors to children who may have missed out due to poor hearing, ill-health, or moving schools frequently.
Myth No 7.
Once you start with a tutor, you will never stop needing one
The idea of a tutor is to support your child through a challenging time and provide the basics in whatever subject area is lacking is not going to be a concept you must be part of forever. The beauty of the tutor is they will offer one-on-one tuition and be able to evaluate your child's individual needs and progress. It is a non-threatening environment; for many children, this feeling of safety is really what the child needs. Younger children in particular benefit from this type of extra tuition. Working one-on-one with a tutor gives greater flexibility and time to work on specific problem areas.
Parents who investigate the values attached to tutoring will agree spending time with a tutor is a positive step in the right direction. Start by listening to your child's teacher and discover where the gaps are in your child's learning. Speak to parents you know who may have a child at a learning centre or working with a tutor. Get recommendations for specific learning disabilities. Always be positive about tutoring.
Have a goal in mind. In one of his well-known motivational books, Stephen Covey said you should 'Start with the end in mind.' So, start to debunk the myths by facing the tutoring system head-on and with a positive approach, and your child will benefit from the extra tuition.
Are You Looking for a Tutor for Your Child?
Whether your child is looking to catch up, keep up or excel, we've got a tutoring program to help. Build your child’s confidence, gain motivation and improve results with Tutor2you's personalised tutoring.
Talk to us today at 1300 4200 79 or simply book your free initial consultation here.