Category Archives for "Goal Setting"

How can goal setting help with academic performance

HOW CAN GOAL SETTING HELP WITH ACADEMIC PERFORMANCEGoals, and setting them up, a football player would agree is the purpose of the game.  The goal posts are there and as a team your aim is to score.  You will have practised and had team talks and chosen the best players.  This is tangible and the […]

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5 Tips to Effectively Explain Goal Setting to your Child

5 Tips to Effectively Explain Goal Setting to your ChildGoal setting is a sound educational concept. Parents and teachers know the benefits of goal setting. Building up self-confidence and developing strengths and challenging weakness’. Explaining this concept to your child will be half the battle won towards encouraging them to set realistic goals.Here are five […]

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How to effectively set SMART goals for students? [Free Worksheets & Guide]

How to Effectively Set SMART Goals for Students? [FREE Worksheets & Guide]Goal-Setting – Be S.M.A.R.TBy setting sharp and clearly defined goals:You can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals.You’ll see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind.You will also build self-confidence as you recognise your ability in […]

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Introduction to Goal Setting For Students

Introduction to Goal Setting For StudentsTop-level athletes, successful business people and achievers in all fields all set goals. Setting goals gives you long term vision and short term motivation. It focuses on acquisition of knowledge, and help you to organise your time and resources so that you can make the most out of your life. By setting […]

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4 Reasons Why Your Child Should Be Setting Goals

4 Reasons Why Your Child Should Be Setting GoalsThe process of setting goals allows students to hone in on their target and what they want to achieve. By knowing what they want to achieve, they can determine where their focus should be and what they can concentrate on and improve.Goal setting provides a long-term vision […]

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