7 Warning Signs your Child Needs Maths Tutoring
Maths tutoring comes in all sorts of packages, but how do you know your child needs some extra help?
Foundations, foundations, foundations. A keyword in the building industry and applicable to learning how to do maths. Skimp on your foundations, and the rest of the building is at risk. This principle is the same as the teaching of mathematics.
What signs should you look for as warning signs that your child may need some help in this area?
1. A change in attitude
The tell-tale sign for any pupil is an attitude change. You sense that a mental switch is tripped whenever maths is mentioned. It could be manifested at homework time, in conversation about number work, or in a reluctance to share school grades. Maths does not feature on your child's radar of activity, discussion, or enthusiasm. Maths has become a 'negative number.'
2. School grades are falling behind
You notice on your child's report that their maths grades are steadily decreasing, and the teacher's comments reflect a decline in your child's performance. A visit to the school is always a good idea in this situation. Get some feedback from the teacher concerning declining grades. The sooner there is intervention, the better.
3. Homework avoidance tactics
If your child has maths homework and tries every trick in the book to avoid this part of their homework, that is a sure sign for you to observe. Homework could take longer, and your child does not want to settle down and tackle the work. You may even find they are not telling you the truth about the maths homework. Maths books are left at school, and there is no evidence of homework.
4. Lack of enthusiasm for maths
Your child no longer enjoys maths challenges, counting rhymes if they are younger, or board games if they are older. Their lack of enthusiasm could be a lack of confidence as they no longer have the skills they used to have for problem-solving or maths mental arithmetic.
5. Struggles to understand the language of maths
Does your child find it difficult to understand concepts like greater than or smaller than? Is there a problem with number value and counting skills like counting on or counting patterns? The foundational skills of number concepts could be missing, and some tutoring with practical skills would help to close these gaps.
6. Finding mental arithmetic difficult
Board games and dice are an excellent way to get an idea if your child has a problem with quick mental arithmetic calculations. Learning multiplication tables and number bonds can be very challenging. Children struggling with making quick calculations with small numbers or finding ways to estimate with larger numbers could have problems with maths and problem-solving.
7. Anxiety over anything related to a number leads to a reluctance to go to school
Your child has always been excited about school, but you notice anxiety and reluctance to go to school and wonder what triggers this pattern of behaviour. Your child may express a dislike for maths and is very stressed about tests. School quizzes and functions where they may need to answer questions or feel they may be put on the spot are avoided if possible. Anxiety about maths begins to erode their confidence in other areas of school work too.
These key indicators should guide parents into observing their children thoroughly and, through discussion with their class teacher, make an informed decision about the need for a maths tutor. The earlier a problem is acknowledged and addressed, the better. It may simply be a few foundational steps are missing, and once those are in place, your child can move on with confidence.
Remember, if you had problems with maths at school, your child would not necessarily follow in your footsteps. Early intervention makes all the difference and sets children up for greater mathematical success. Anxiety attached to any subject at school will lead to stressful situations. The peace and harmony of learning will be interrupted.
Albert Einstein said:
"Peace cannot be kept by force: it can only be achieved by understanding."
Take a moment to go through the signs that may indicate your child has a problem with maths. If you tick some of the seven boxes and feel there is no peace in your home due to mathematical discord, seek help and understanding for your child. Maths tutoring will help reveal the root problems and give your child more confidence as they learn about numbers and mathematics.
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