7 Key Benefits of OnlineTutoring
What are the benefits of online tutoring? This is a very current question on the minds of many parents. Can children benefit from tutoring without the physical presence of a tutor?
Here are seven reasons for using an online tutoring system. Why seven reasons? Stephen Covey and other authors of motivational books used seven as the magic number for learning. Seven is a good number to remember or absorb new ways of thinking.
Stephen Covey wrote many successful books about starting good habits. Online tutoring may be a new good habit in your household. Stephen Covey has this to say about starting something new or different.
"Start with the end in mind. The key is not to prioritise what is on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”
In light of new education systems, and the needs of children today, online tutoring may just be the best way forward for many families.
Here are seven reasons why online tutoring is beneficial
1. Convenience:
Making the decision to use online tutoring will make your child’s educational needs more convenient. Schooling and learning can take place in your own home. You will need to set yourself up with a computer or tablet and some internet communication. Many families today have these facilities. There will be no need for travelling to and from different places, and your tuition will take place in the safety of your home.
2. Personal tuition:
Online tutoring allows you to choose the right tutor or online course to cater for your child’s needs. Many tutoring organisations will arrange some form of screening to give you an idea of what your child requires. It is possible to have coaching in particular weak areas from an online tutor while your child manages the areas they are confident in on their own.
3. Freedom of Choice:
Every child has different requirements and interests. Online tutoring takes language levels and academic needs into account. There is a wide variety of tutoring programmes available. Once you have chosen the basics, you can add in some extension activities or develop different interests all online.
4. Safe and secure:
Safety is a key factor in the lives of young people. Online tutoring allows your child to learn in the security of their own home. Learning at home means no exposure to outside influences from a health point of view or risks due to travel and commuting. You are able to monitor the learning environment.
5. Communication and care:
This is one of the significant advantages of online tutoring. You can choose the language of learning that enables your child to learn at the most optimum level of understanding. Although online tutoring does not have a physical connection with a tutor, there are tutors available to help struggling students. Students themselves have said they like being able to ask questions online away from peer pressure.
6. Cost-effective:
Online tutoring is cost-effective. There are many packages to choose from and even free resources to add to your education bundle. Choose a basic package or course to supply the essentials of the year your child is studying. Then add extras or find resources to boost what you have already signed up for.
Remember there will be no travel costs, no school fees, no uniform costs and the stationery supplies you need will be provided by yourself at home.
7. A wide selection of resources:
Once you open the door to online tutoring, you will be amazed at the resources that are available to you. The world of education has become a global network. Through the internet, you will find visual and audio aids to assist with every conceivable project. There are online groups to join and virtual lessons for many different topics. Your child is probably quite confident on the internet.
Depending on your home budget for your online classroom, there are additional support materials to be found. Online teaching is an excellent boost for special needs children too. Learning at home when you are physically or mentally challenged makes education a whole lot more accessible to these children.
Start out by contacting other online learners or an organisation that deals in online learning for advice. You will be amazed at the selection of resources.
Deciding to go the online route for your child’s education will be something you won’t regret. Go over the seven reasons to try online tutoring. Think about how this new way of learning will impact your family and your child’s education. Heed Stephen Covey’s words, to sum up, the idea of trying something new.
“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”
Think about the positives for making an online tutoring decision and take a step towards a change in your circumstances.
If your child requires some additional support may it be in-home or online, we're here to help! Visit https://tutor2you.com.au/ to book a free consultation with our trained & certified tutors today.