6 Reasons Why Summer Learning is Important
Summertime is a season to be having fun and go on holiday. Chilling with your friends and just relaxing. So naturally, no student is keen on studying! However, there are definite advantages to getting involved with your studies during the long summer vacation.
Think about some study time as an academic booster and an opportunity to keep your mental energy going. It will recharge your batteries and prepare you for the new academic year. You will thank yourself in the end. It is a case of mind over matter. If you can get your head in a suitable thinking space, it will matter, and you won’t mind!
Here are some very sound reasons for keeping your studies active during the summer holidays.
Reason 1: Holiday studies are easier when you put your mind to them
During the holidays, it may seem very sacrificial to study, but it is a time when there is less pressure on students to perform. If you take the time to set aside a few hours during the week to study, you will reap the benefit in the new academic year.
Reason 2: Summer studies help you sift through any problem areas from the previous term
The long summer holiday falls after your school year is completed. You have had reports and feedback from your teachers. Now you have a good picture of your performance. Using the summer holidays to improve weak areas of your academic performance enables you to start the new year from a position of strength and more confidence. You will be ready to tackle new work with enthusiasm.
Reason 3: Keeping up your studies in the holidays keeps good personal study habits going
When summer holidays arrive, the temptation is to collapse and do nothing. You feel you have earned the right to forget about school and relax. However, keeping up with studies and the habit of studying helps your mindset to be focused on learning as well as having a good holiday. Relaxing after a long term with exams and the stress of school at the end of the year is important. However, keeping study habits is suitable for individual development and learning strategies.
Reason 4: Summer holidays could give you the opportunity to join a study group
In the summer holidays, you have more time available and less pressure to be at school and to be tied to the school timetable. So let the summer holidays give you the opportunity to find a study group. It may be a group from your school, or you could join a private study group. Joining a group focused on specific learning problems will boost your learning for the coming year.
Reason 5: Summer studies can put you back on the academic playing field
Start with the intention of improving your academic results. Once you have your head around the fact that you are going to study to improve your results, you will be surprised at how easy it is to start this process. If you find yourself lagging in a particular subject, this is the time to tackle that subject and get better results in the new year.
Summer studies can help you pinpoint particular basics of a subject you did not fully grasp. Then during the summer break, you can understand the concepts you were unsure of more fully. If the foundation concepts are missing, the holidays are an excellent time to fix them. Going back to basics without the peer pressure in the classroom can be encouraging and help you master some processes you may have missed.
Reason 6: Use the summer holiday for some practical exercises
The school term is always so busy that there is seldom any time for practical work on your major subject. The summer holidays can be the opportunity you have been missing to get out and try some valuable work experience. There may be opportunities to spend time in an organisation that will enhance your work experience.
The value of being able to shadow someone to learn more about the subject you have chosen cannot be underestimated. Some work experience could help you find the career path you want to think about in the future. Having an opportunity to join a firm involved with the subjects that interest you is an invaluable chance for work experience and learning during the holidays.
Life is a balancing act. The summer holidays can easily find a balanced element to your academics by using some of the time for some summer studies. It may not be top of your things to do list for the holidays, but once you factor summer studies into your program for the holidays, you will be glad you did.
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