12 Tips To Help Your Child Do Revision During the Holidays

12 Tips To Help Your Child Revise & Catch Up During the Holidays

The school term is over, it’s holidays, but your child’s teacher has recommended a revision program. How are you going to persuade your child to revise? Doing extra school work in the holidays has to have a purpose. Otherwise, your child is just going to blame you for ruining their holiday!

Try sharing some words of wisdom at this time with older children.

Confucius said:

“He who learns, but does not think is lost.  He who thinks, but does not learn is in danger.”

A discussion around this quote could open up the way to accepting some tips to revising work in the holidays.

Here are 12 tips to make the pathway to revision in the holidays a little easier

  1. Talk about the purpose of a revision programme and the benefits of going over the work taught during the term.
  2. Design a plan of action together.  This includes a timetable to set aside the amount of time, a daily quota, to spend on the different aspects of revision.
  3. Eliminate distractions.  It is better for your child to concentrate fully for a shorter period of time than drag out endless hours with multiple distractions.
  4. Encourage breaks with physical activity or a healthy snack or change of environment before returning to the task of revision.
  5. Find out your child’s preferred learning style. Some children are visual learners; others are auditory learners. Knowing how to present the revision material to suit your child’s learning style makes a huge difference in their ability to concentrate.
  6. Have different learning tools available. Games and flashcards for younger children. Internet and study groups for older children.
  7. Build-in some daily reading time. This could include fiction or non-fiction reading. Improving reading skills will always stand your child in good stead for developing healthy learning habits.
  8. Remind your child that practice makes perfect. High achievers, especially in the sports arena, do not try a sporting skill once and then go for gold.
  9. Take regular breaks because it is the holidays, and being totally rigorous about the study is not going to encourage healthy relationships. Have attainable goals with a reward system. Make treat days or outings as a reward and motivation.
  10. Keep in contact with other students. Your child will feel more connected if they know they are not alone on this holiday revision programme.
  11. Discuss the purpose of revision. It is consolidation and preparation for new work. Let your child know going into the new term with confidence will make all the difference to their learning of new work in the next term.
  12. To-do lists can be very motivating. Put together a to-do list for the week and give your child the satisfaction of ticking off what they have achieved. Compiling lists is a life skill that will stand your child in good stead for the future with planning and activating goals and aspirations of achievement.
  13. Perhaps the overriding tip of all is the communication between you and your child about revision.  Build up a positive attitude towards revision.  It has a very valuable purpose.  If your child buys into this sense of purpose behind the revision, the way forward is more positive for everyone concerned.

It has been said:

‘The capacity to learn is a gift. The ability to learn is a skill. The willingness to learn is a choice. " - (Brian Herbert co-author of the Dune series)

Help your child with these 12 relevant tips to make the right choice and see a purpose to revision in the holidays.

If your child requires some additional support may it be in-home or online, we're here to help! Visit https://tutor2you.com.au/ to book a free consultation with our trained & certified tutors today.


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