Find out if your child is eligible for subsidised tutoring
Whatever your learning goals are, we’re here to help your child reach their potential.
Unlimited Maths & English Tutoring
for less than the cost of a coffee a day
Study Club Results
From D's to A's in under 6 months
The Study Club Difference
With life busier than ever, and more pressure on family budgets every day, we're changing the way students access. Our vision is for every student to get the support they need to reach their potential.
Unlimited small group tutoring
Age and subject-specific small group lessons help your child get tailored support relevant to them.
Book in the time and day that suits you
Everyone has busy schedules, so with over 10 classes per week per year level to choose from, you’ll find a lesson that suits you
Weekly drop-in sessions available for last-minute support
Get the help you need when you need it with weekly drop in sessions. No need to book, just turn up.
Discounted 1:1 session for personal support
For those students that need a little bit more direction and support, discounted 1:1 sessions are available either on an adhoc or a regular basis.
Assessments & Resources
Assessments designed to pinpoint knowledge gaps and access to thousands of resources to help your child improve
Save $$ with a family membership
Get your children the help they need with a family membership and save thousands.
How Study Club Works
Face to face small group tutoring, delivered through state of the art digital classroom.
Sign up for your free 7-day trial (you won’t pay a cent until after your trial is over)
Choose Your Class Times
Choose from the selection of classes and book your regular spot OR attend 1 of the drop-in sessions
Login to attend your lesson via our industry leading online interactive platform
Looking for added support?
Take advantage of discounted 1:1 sessions
Choose from dozens of subjects & tutors
Payment Options
Choose how you pay
(PAYG or Discounted Tutoring Pack)
Schedule and attend your lessons
Where Study Club Was Born
We’ve worked with 1000’s clients and dozens of not-for-profit organisations to help students reach their potential.
With a proven process for delivering results and after 150,000 hours of lessons, we’re transforming how Australian students learn with tailored support that students need that won’t break the budget.
Unlimited Maths & English Tutoring For Less Than The Cost Of A Coffee A Day
Stop paying too much to get your child the support they need.
individual tutoring membership